
24th Ruby

We are snowed in by a snow storm which makes visibility very poor. We consulted the weather forecast which announces an improvement for the evening….so we decided it is better to leave tomorrow early morning towards Galena.

In the morning we went to the local Elementary school for a presentation. I started first with my tales about my native country, Africa, the River Nile on which I was born, Italy, my Family,my job, my partecipation in the Iditarod, Iditaski, Alpirod, and Yukon Quest, I sang my songs and played some instrumental tunes with the classical guitar of the Manager of the School. The 41 students and their teachers were impressed and I was too for their warmth.. Even Sven and Keith told their stories. I was impressed by the message of peace and serenity by him ( 52 years old, Vietnam war veteran, recovering alcoholic and drug addict with 25 years sobriety and now councilor). The nice computer technician April then helped us to send these messages in the internet. We had lunch with the students and the personell of the school.


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